Safe Sport for Parents!
Over the last two weekends, we collaborated with ActiveSG Academies and Clubs to deliver Safe Sport webinars to parents of the programme. While children explore new sports, it is important that parents remain vigilant to keep sport fun.

Parents learnt about the forms of abuse and harassment, the importance of safeguarding in sport and their duty of care in safeguarding sport.
An online study in Europe revealed that 65% of children experienced psychological violence in sport. This includes humiliating, isolating and threatening behaviours, which harms mental health and social development.
Children are most likely to disclose experiences of interpersonal violence in sport to their parents.
Woessner, M. N. et al. (2023)
It is important to keep an open line of communication with your child so they can share if something made them uncomfortable. Avoid normalising or dismissing their experience to break cycles of violence.
If you think your child is experiencing abuse and harassment in sport, find out more and alert the Safe Sport Commission. To learn more about a parent's role in Safe Sport, check out our free e-learning module!
Check out the range of sports offered by the ActiveSG Academies and Clubs - the sessions prioritise fun(damentals) and anyone can join regardless of age or skill.