Case Management Service
Case Management Service
An independent case management service is available to Member Organisations of the Safe Sport Programme.

Clear process and procedures are set out in the rules of the Safe Sport Programme Handbook which include:
timelines and procedures to ensure due process for all parties
a framework for assessing seriousness
independent adjudication by a Safe Sport Disciplinary Panel, where the severity of the Misconduct is moderate or severe

3Rs - Receiving, Responding and Resolving
Anyone can make a Disclosure or a Formal Report related to incidents of harrassment or abuse.
A Disclosure happens when a person wishes to seek support or is unsure of his/her experience. Subject to mandatory reporting laws, a Disclosure does not trigger a formal process. A person may elect to turn a Disclosure into a Formal Report any point.
A Formal Report takes place where a report provider would like for an incident to be assessed and investigated.
Depending on whether a Disclosure or a Formal Report has been made, the Case Management Unit will proceed to:
refer the affected party to augmented support services, where appropriate
conduct a preliminary assessment to determine if there is breach of the Unified Code on the face of the evidence
commence a formal investigation to determine if Misconduct has taken place
Resolution may take many forms and is specific to:
the needs and the value of the different outcomes for the affected party
the severity of the Misconduct which is unique to the circumstances of each incident