An Upstanding SUniG and POL ITE Season
Before we go any further... Have you taken the Upstander Test? Its not too late to join in the fun and find out what kind of teammate you are!
Over the annual SUniG and POL-ITE games, another competition was afoot. Our challenge to tertiary athletes: which Institution is the most Upstanding?
While most may know what it means to be a Bystander, there are plenty of Upstanders in our midst too. An Upstander is someone who refuses to take inaction, and stands up for what is right. Through speaking out, Upstanders break the cycle of complicity and thus make sport a safer place.
SUniG and POL-ITE athletes with Safe Sport's dolphin mascot
Over the course of the games, over 750 student-athletes took the Upstander Test. Out of the 13 Institutes of Higher Learning who participated, 2 emerged as the most Upstanding of them all...
Most Upstanding University
SUSS tops the table with 117 plays, of which 107 players got Captain Courage.
Most Upstanding Polytechnic/ITE
Right on their heels is RP with 110 plays and 101 Captain Courage results.
Congratulations to everyone for an Upstanding SUniG and POL-ITE season! Don't forget to channel your inner Captain Courage, and see you soon at a tournament near you...